Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Thought I would share some of the kids I fell in love with while in Nicaragua. First was 7 year old Miguel from the orphanage in El Canyon. He has no parents and clung to me from the first night we showed up. He loved to show me around and play simple little games. He usually wanted to be held or lifted up high and loved to climb on the monkey bars. The hardest part of the trip was saying goodbye to him on Tuesday, when I realized it might be the last time I would see him. The rest of the week was to be spent at the dump and we would not be back to the school. He cheerfully left that day, said goodbye with a hug, probably expecting to see me again the following day. Wow, that hit my heart like a rock.We spent the end of the trip at the school in the Dump outside Managua. We played with the kids for quite a while. Dottie 'found' me after a few minutes. I turned around and there she was, looking up at me and instantly thru her arms up wanting to be held. Who wouldn't say yes. Long story short, she stayed in my arms until I had to leave. She was content just being held and looking around.
oh Hoff...we should have brought her home!
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