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Blogging Instructions

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

1.Click this link:
New Post
It will ask you to sign in (if you're not already) and then it will take you directly to the page where you can just start typing. Give it a title (your name on the first one if you want), and then type your message.

2. When you're finished, go to the bottom where it says "labels for this post" and "Show All". Click on "Show All" and select your name in the list. This will automatically file it under your name/profile.

3. Then click Publish Post. It will publish and then give you an option to "View Blog". Go ahead and view it. That will take you back to the front page, so just click on your name down below to see what you just posted.

4. Now if you want to edit that post, click the "sign in" button on the top right. That will take you to a list of all posts. Find yours and click edit and you're back to your page.

5. Add as many pages this way as you want. (see the hoffmann pages for examples)

6. FEAR NOT...you can't mess this up. I didn't give you admin priveleges :-) Play around until you get what it's doing. Things can always be deleted and changed and moved so just get crazy! No one is looking at this yet except for us and I'll keep an eye on it to see if anything needs to be moved around or anything.

Happy Blogging
Email me if you have troubles



Nicaragua 2008 - Templates para novo blogger